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The conference is jointly organized by:

The Kibbutz Movement Task Force


The kibbutz Movment Task Force, headed by Yoel Marshak, is responsible for recruiting and guiding Kibbutz youth in their voluntarry ear of service in civil institutions (in addition to the standard militarry service). It is also in charge of the on-going contact of the kibbutz movement with the youth movements in Israel; as well as numerous other operations.

The Ani Israeli Association

The Ani Israeli association, founded and headed by Prof. Uzzi Ornan, was founded in the purpose of demanding, through legal action, that the State of Israel recognize the Israeli nationality; this, for the purpose of entering "Israeli" in the "nationality" clause in the identification card of those Israelis who chose to identify themselves as belonging to said nationaliy.

The Hug Ha'amakim Association


The Hug Ha'amakim association was originally founded by Eli Goren in 1979 as a political group for studying and discussing political issues. It then went through reallignment and became primatilly occupied with Jewish studies. Today the association arranges all sorts of cultural activities, lectures, literary evnts etc., for the residents of the Jesrael Valley and the nearby settlements.


Who we are (by alphabetical order):

Dr. Chen Yehezkely, educator, author of Closed Education in the Open Society.

Eli Goren, founder and head of Hug Haamakim association.

Prof. Joseph Agassi, philosopher, Author of Liberal nationalism for Israel.

Joshua Sobol, playwright, winner of numerous awards both in Israel and abroad.

Muki Zur, Scholar of the Jewish settlement in Israel and of the kibbutz movement, former head of the Kibbutz movement, winner of the Liebhaber Prize for religious tolerance, 2008.

Nadia Hilu, the first Arab Christian women to have served as Member of Parliament in Israel; social and political activist.

Prof. Uzzi Ornan, linguist, head of “Ani Israeli”, winner of the Bahat award.

Prof. Yakov Rabkin, historian, author of A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism.

Yoela Har-Shefi, attorney, publicist, legal representative of “Ani Israeli”.

Yoel Marshak, head of the Kibbutz Movement task force, winner of the he Yigal Alon Award for Exemplary Pioneering Activities.

Yossi Barnea, publicist, secretary of “Ani Israeli”.


הכנס מאורגן כולו בהתנדבות וללא תקציב. לתרומה לחץ כאן

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